Why You Should Write Code That Other Developers Can Understand

4 min readJul 27, 2022

Imagine having to update or fix a part of your code that you wrote months ago. If you are the only person who understands what you are coding, then this could be a difficult task for you. But if the code is written in a way that other developers can understand, then it will be much easier to make those necessary changes. This article talks more about how to write code that other developers can understand and even gives some helpful tips so your code will last longer.


If you’re a developer, chances are you’ve written code that other developers have had difficulty understanding. Perhaps you’ve even been on the receiving end of code that was difficult to decipher. Writing code that is easily understood by other developers is important for several reasons.

First, when the code is easy to understand, it is more likely to be correct. This is because developers can more easily spot errors when they can readily follow the logic of the code. Second, well-written code is more maintainable. This means that should change need to be made down the line, they can be made more quickly and with fewer errors.

Finally, understandable code simply makes for a better development experience all around. When everyone involved in a project can easily read and comprehend the code base, things run more smoothly. There are fewer misunderstandings and communication breakdowns.

So next time you’re writing code, keep your fellow developers in mind. Write code that is clear, concise, and easy to follow and you’ll find yourself benefitting in the long run.

Why Easier Code?

If you’re a developer, you know that code can sometimes be difficult to read and understand. But did you know that there are benefits to writing code that other developers can easily understand? Here are four reasons why you should strive to make your code easier for others to follow:

1. It makes collaboration easier. When multiple developers are working on the same project, it’s important that everyone is able to understand the code. This way, everyone can make changes and additions as needed without breaking the code or causing confusion.

2. It makes onboarding new team members easier. When you’re working with a new team member, they need to be able to understand the code in order to be productive. If the code is difficult to follow, it will take them longer to get up to speed.

3. It makes maintenance and updates easier. Over time, your code will need to be maintained and updated. If it’s easy for other developers to understand, they’ll be able to make the necessary changes more quickly and efficiently.

4. It makes future-proofing your code easier. As technology evolves, your code will need to evolve with it. If other developers can easily understand your code, they’ll contribute and refactor confidently. Otherwise, it is more likely to be destined for a slower death.

What Makes Code Difficult to Understand?

One of the main reasons code can be difficult to understand is because it is not well organized. When code is not well organized, it can be difficult to follow the logic and see how the different parts of the code fit together. Another reason code can be difficult to understand is because it uses jargon or abbreviations that are not familiar to everyone. Jargon can make code difficult to read and comprehend, even for experienced developers.

Finally, code can be difficult to understand if the method and variable names are not meaningful. If another developer can just understand the flow by just reading the method names and variables and transparently behaving as the name implies it makes the life of another developer easier.

Tips for writing simple code

Bad code is difficult to read and understand. Good code is easy to read and understand.

When you write code, you should always keep in mind that other developers will need to read and understand your code at some point. This is why you should write code that is easy to read and understand.

Some tips for writing good code:

- Use clear and concise variable and method names
- Use smaller methods and divide the logic
- Avoid unnecessary complexity
- Use comments to explain what your code does (only if it cannot be simplified to be intuitive)


Other developers are not just your audience, but also your potential collaborators. If you want to build something great, you need to be able to work with others effectively. This means writing code that is easy for other developers to understand. It may take a little extra time upfront, but it will pay off in the long run.




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